Silver Snowflake Earrings with Green Aventurine, Savorite, and Tourmaline Gemstones

Silver Snowflake Earrings with Green Aventurine, Savorite, and Tourmaline Gemstones

Silver Snowflake Earrings with Green Aventurine, Savorite, and Tourmaline Gemstones

Regular price €40.00

A pair of snowflake silver earrings with green Aventurine, Savorite (a green garnet), and Tourmaline gemstones. 

Length : 3.5cm

Each gemstone has its own distinct properties and meanings:

  1. Green Aventurine: Often associated with luck and abundance, green aventurine is believed to bring prosperity and opportunities. It's also considered a heart chakra stone, promoting emotional well-being and balance.

  2. Tsavorite (Green Garnet): Tsavorite is a vibrant green variety of garnet. It is associated with growth, prosperity, and vitality. It's also believed to enhance spiritual awareness and promote emotional healing.

  3. Tourmaline: Tourmaline comes in various colors, and green tourmaline is associated with qualities like compassion, kindness, and a sense of community. It's considered a heart-centered stone that aids in emotional healing.

The snowflake design in silver adds a touch of elegance and uniqueness to the earrings. Overall, this combination suggests a piece of jewelry that not only complements your style but also carries positive energies and meanings associated with the chosen gemstones.

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